Flexibility Training

Individuals who want to stay fit and healthy have been incorporating physical activities like cardiovascular training and weightlifting into their fitness routines, almost making exercise the center of their lifestyle. These people are often in a hurry to improve their physique or level of physical fitness that they have forgotten the importance of flexibility training. This kind of training is probably one of the most underrated and undervalued component of conditioning and physical fitness.

Flexibility training increases the the body’s range of motion. With flexibility, a person’s athletic performance is enhanced, with the risk of acquiring injuries greatly reduced. Stretching also speeds up metabolism. These benefits are achieved by improving blood flow into the different internal organs and muscles. Flexibility training helps lengthen the muscle fibers, facilitate ease of movement, while improving muscle recovery and strength. Flexibility training may also reduce muscle soreness, lower back pain, improve coordination and posture, and ease stress and anxiety in one’s life. In addition to these health benefits, various medical studies suggest that regular stretching enables the body’s internal organs to function properly because of improved blood flow.

However, the benefits of flexibility can only be enjoyed if proper training is done. Individuals who fail to perform proper flexibility training may develop injuries and hamper their workout goals. People who want to engage in flexibility training should include the following:

Before stretching, individuals should remember to perform warm-up exercises. These exercises may loosen up the muscle, improve blood flow, and prepare them for flexibility training.
Do not bounce (ballistic stretching) when performing static stretches. Medical experts suggest that ballistic stretching may cause immediate and residual pain. In the long run, it may lead to serious muscle damage.
Try to hold for at least 15-30 seconds to achieve long term flexibility benefits.
Perform flexibility and cool down exercises after workout to return the muscles to their resting stage.
Stretch gradually. Stretch only to the point where mild muscle tension is felt. If there is pain, then you might be doing it wrong. Move into each pose gradually and exhale while doing it.

Warming up is a crucial part of a flexibility program. A good flexibility program works best if a good warm-up session of about five to ten minutes of brisk walking or jogging is done before it. This is done because stretching cold muscles may lead to pulled or torn muscles. Health experts believe that the possibility of getting injured may decrease if the tendons and muscles are more conditioned.
Warming-up exercises may also bring the following health benefits:

Increase the heart and respiratory rate
Boost the amount of nutrients and oxygen delivered to the muscles
Prepare the body for a more strenuous workout
Make it easier to burn more calories
Extend one’s workout routine

A well-planned flexibility training program which includes warm-up exercises may improve fitness and overall health, regardless of age. Physical activities and workouts should not be done hastily. People who want to lose weight or improve their fitness level should remember that there are no shortcuts to physical fitness. Proper training may prevent injuries that may hamper one’s workout program. Individuals who want to engage in flexibility training should seek the approval of doctors and other health professionals. Some medical conditions may prevent certain individuals from performing flexibility poses and stretches.

Quick Ideas For Keeping Fit When Working At Home

One of the most difficult things about working at home is scheduling a proper fitness routine. If you are a Work At Home Mother and are having to contend with kids, housework and running a business too, you will have to make a special effort to schedule some exercise into your day. I find the best way of doing so is to squeeze in as many five minute bursts of activity as I can, either with the kids or without, and to try to make them fun too.

If the kids are at home:

Put the baby in the pushchair and the kids on bikes or scooters and take a brisk walk around the block. Getting outside into the open air will improve everybody’s state of mind and mood. Walk fast to exercise your cardiovascular system (and keep up with the kids!) and you will return home feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Have a five minute tidy up! Set the kitchen timer, put some music on, and get everybody running around the house to pick up toys, books, clothes and shoes and return them to their proper places. Make it fun and the kids will enjoy it and willingly join in. Make it fast and you might even improve your fitness too!

What is the weather like? Can you take the kids out into the yard (garden) for a five minute run-around? Run races, do some star jumps, and just mess around. If you can’t get outside, clear a space and do a five minute exercise routine with the kids indoors. Make it a daily event, and vary the routine to include walking and running on the spot, skipping, star jumps, stretches and bends, making faces, shaking out your fingers and toes – whatever you and the kids will enjoy!

During school term time:

Walk the kids to and from school. This is a great way to spend some quality time with your kids, is much less stressful than driving, and helps them arrive at school in the best mood for their day too. Can you jog or run home afterwards? If you live too far away from school to walk, perhaps you could park a little way away and walk the last bit (which will help you avoid school congestion too).

If the kids are at school and you are rushing to get something done before the school day ends, you can spend far too much time in your office and quickly get stale! Sometimes you just have to force yourself to take that break. even if end-of-school is looming. Try walking out of the front door with watch in hand and time yourself for 2.5 minutes. Stop, turn around, and go back home again. You will feel much better for it and be refreshed when you sit back down at your desk.

If you have time on your own:

Break your day up – and make sure that you plan your breaks in advance. I keep it simple by scheduling a five minute break every hour. If I am very engrossed in a project I sometimes set a beeper to remind me! I have a list of five minute activities to do and during a full work at home day I will probably achieve 6 or 7 of them.

Do you have stairs? Climb them! Time yourself and keep going for five minutes, no less. If you don’t have stairs, buy a mini-step machine. They don’t cost much, are easy to store in a corner, and they work!

No time to get out and about? Stretch! I have a card on the wall behind my monitor with the word “STRETCH!” printed on it in huge letters. When I get involved in a project I sometimes hardly look up from my keyboard and monitor for hours – but when I do, and notice the card, I remember to stand up, stretch everything out and take a 5-minute breather. Try standing about two feet away from your desk, bending at the waist and placing your hands on the edge of the desk to help support your body. Hold for thirty seconds and then stand up straight and take several deep breaths. Repeat twice more. Stretching out your back like this help release tension in the spine and shoulders. Shake out your arms and fingers, then your feet; stretch up tall and then touch your toes and do whatever else it takes to ease out those kinks!

Keep some tennis balls in a desk drawer and squeeze one in each hand as hard as you can for 10 second bursts. This is a great exercise to do when you have been typing for too long. Take those same tennis balls and roll them around under your feet (taking your shoes off first!) This is almost ridiculously pleasurable! (Tip: keep the tennis balls hidden away and out of reach to prevent them mysteriously disappearing from your office and reappearing in the car, garden or toy cupboard).

Try a five minute resistance band workout. Resistance bands are cheap, easy to store, and effective – and can be used to exercise many different areas of the body. Follow the instructions that come with the resistance band for a quick exercise routine – or try a search on Google for ideas. You can achieve quite a lot in five minutes with these.

Dumbbells are another good investment for a quick exercise routine. Get a range of weights and a storage rack, but make sure that they are stored safely away from children, who should NEVER play with them. Learn a quick dumbbell routine for the arms, back and shoulders. Personally I love bicep curls – they make me feel powerful! Find your favorite exercise and schedule it into your day.

Finally – and I hesitate to mention this one – a five minute stint of housework can break your work routine and, if you do it energetically enough – can be part of your fitness regime! I try to make these little spurts of housework into a time challenge and I schedule them into my day. For example, on Thursdays at 11.00am I might strip the beds. First, I open up ITunes and put one of my favorite tracks on. Then I run round like a mad thing trying to strip down 3 sets of beds, get the first lots of sheets into the washer and sit back down at the computer before the track ends. It may sound silly, but it makes housework a little more fun and less of a chore. A five minute sweep, vacuum or mop, if done energetically, can count towards your daily exercise and make you feel virtuous and house-proud too!

Things Anyone Can Do To Stay Healthy

While there are many lifestyle choices a person can make to stay healthy, most experts agree that there are five main behaviors we can initiate in order to increase our chances of staying in optimum physical health. The beneficial tips presented in this article are by far not an all-inclusive list. In research studies all over the world, health experts have shown that our participation in the following five healthy functions is essential towards maintaining a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Let’s Eat

We hear it all the time, eat healthy! Nourishment of the physical body is very important but the general term “eat healthy” doesn’t really explain how we can get the best food into our bodies and stay healthy. Since this topic alone could take up pages of explanation on what “eating healthy” means, let’s look at some valuable tips you can use in order to make the best choices starting today.

* Don’t stuff yourself. It has long been known that overeating can cause weight gain, take our stores of body energy down to a very low level, as well as create dangerous imbalances and havoc on our metabolism or metabolic rate. The best advice here is to eat in moderation and only till you feel satisfied. Eat smaller meals throughout the day.

* Eat a majority of healthy foods. Fresh raw vegetables and fruits, lean meats, less fat and whole grains. Vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike should research and find the best foods for their bodies. Whatever your choice of dietary and nutrition lifestyle, make sure you stay away from sugar and processed foods (anything in a box).

* Lastly, make mealtime one you look forward to. If you look at food as something to be enjoyed and savored, you are less likely to make meal time something you are resigned to “have to do”. Stop the trips to fast food restaurants or popping a frozen meal into the microwave. Take time for meal planning. Learn how to cook or find recipes that are healthy. Cook ahead several meals and have them ready to heat.

Overall, eating healthy means making wise choices for your body. Wise choices come from researching the healthy foods. There are many foods considered “superfoods” and they need to be part of your nutritional routine. Almonds, avocados, skim milk, green tea, blueberries, and raw or fresh vegetables and fruits, salmon, oatmeal, and cantaloupe are just some of the superfoods you could be enjoying right now. Along with eating healthy from food sources, we must be sure to include vitamin and supplements into our daily routine.

It’s Time to Take Your Vitamins

Along with the suggestions on finding healthy foods to eat, intake of the proper amounts of vitamins and nutrients are equally as important. Your body is going to require some very important vitamins and nutrients necessary to not only stay healthy but to survive. Here’s some tips to get you on the right track.

* Research and learn about vitamins and supplements.

* As mentioned above, researching “healthy” food and nutrition habits are essential. While you’re looking in that area, start exploring your vitamin requirements.

* Take a multi-vitamin everyday. If nothing else, get started with taking a multi-vitamin every day.

Read the label and be sure that:

* If you are pregnant you are either taking a pre-natal vitamin or one with folic acid.

* As a female you are getting the proper amounts of calcium for your age category and watch the iron intake. Women that are post-menopausal don’t need the extra iron.

* If you’re a male, make sure that you get the proper amounts of lycopene which has been shown to protect and maintain prostate health.

Now that we have discussed eating healthy and the proper vitamin intakes and supplementation, your body needs just a few more things to maintain good health.

Let’s Get Moving

Exercise is as essential to the body’s good health as proper nutrition. Many of us seem to think that we have to run 10 miles a day or work out in the gym for hours to get the right amount of exercise. Experts have stated that we do need exercise in the form of those that increase our heart rate (cardiovascular) and those exercises that tone the body (stretching types). Exercise also needs to be of the FUN type. Here are some ideas for you to consider when adding exercise to your daily routine.

* Any amount of exercise is better than no exercise at all. If you just cant stand the idea of going to a gym and working out several hours a day then try these:

* Put the remote control next to the television and leave it there. Get up to change your channels.

* Park in the furthest parking spot you can whenever you go somewhere.

* Use the stairs and not the elevators.

* If an exercise routine does appeal to you then think about these suggestions:

* Choose something you are passionate about. Did you take dance lessons as a child and just loved it? Find a dance teacher that will instruct adults after work.

* Find a gym that offers a good rate and has a personal trainer included with your membership.

* Start using that pool in your backyard or neighborhood.

Most physical fitness experts agree that a minimum of 30 minutes a day would be better than nothing at all. Finally, two of the most important health tips that can be offered besides proper nutrition, vitamin intake and exercise are a good night’s sleep and drinking lots of water.

Time to Say Goodnight

It is astounding the research that has come out in the early 21st century about sleep. We simply don’t get enough. Our busy hectic lifestyles seem to have placed sleep or even rest periods at an all time low on our priority lists. There is only one major suggestion to offer here. Get some sleep. Studies have found that children today in 2006 are falling asleep in classrooms. They are continually late or tardy to class. They have little energy to make it through the day. Wonder where they could be picking up this habit?

Adults are also tired. Studies of production rates at some major corporations say the culprit of over tired adults is working too much, stress (or the inability to relax and reduce stress levels) or they simply are staying up too late at night.

Our bodies require rest and sleep. Sleep is the time our bodies repair themselves. These repairs can range from healing and thwarting off potential illness, rejuvenating our energy systems, maintaining our emotions and keeping them in balance, to name a few. Find out what you require in sleep hours. Whether you need 6, 7 or 8 hours asleep, go to bed at a time where this can be done.

Hydration! Hydration! Hydration!

Add to your list of “things I need to do to stay healthy”, WATER. Drink as much water as you can tolerate. There is an endless list of the benefits of hydrating your body with water. Some are:

* Hydration means elimination. Naturally, what goes in must come out. Staying hydrated means healthy and less painful waste elimination.

* As a feel good benefit, hydrated skin is less dry, itchy and flaky. It also appears more vibrant and healthy looking.

Do some research into the new healthy drinking waters. Many of these have extra vitamins, no sugar and no artificial colors or flavors. They are a great source for healthy fluid intake. Some are geared especially for women’s needs as well as the special requirements of the more athletic. Take a bottle with you on your new exercise routine.

For many of us, implementing any of these five suggestions for healthy living may be very difficult. Taking the time to research what to eat, the proper vitamin intakes, being sure to drink enough water and finding the exercise routine that will get us moving may seem daunting at first. Adding to that, we must find the time to get enough sleep. In order to live a long and healthy life these behaviors must become a part of our lives. The most important investment we will ever make in our lives will be the commitment to start healthy habits as a daily routine.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

Are you tired of getting the same old advice when it comes to dieting? Are you looking for some quick tips to help motivate yourself during a diet? Why not follow along below to learn about some quick healthy weight loss tips?

Tip # 1: Take off five pounds quickly before a big event!

If you’re generally in good shape, but you want to pare off a few
pounds to look your best before a big event like a class reunion, one of the best ways to do it is to cleanse your system. For the week before, skip the breads and pastas, eat lots of raw vegetables and salads, and drink at least eight ounce glasses of water a day. You’ll not only end up slimmer, you’ll feel 100% more energetic and healthy.

Tip # 2: Lose weight without dieting!

It’s a lot easier than you think. The key is exercise. Just one half hour of moderate exercise per day will burn calories – and better yet, kick your metabolism into high gear so that you continue burning calories at a higher rate. Bonuses: you’ll be doing your health a favor, too. The latest research shows that adding moderate exercise to your daily routine can help lower cholesterol, slow the progression of type-2 diabetes and improve your circulation. What’s moderate exercise? A brisk one mile walk, half an hour of dancing, or chasing the kids around in a game of tag will do it.

Tip # 3: Start your day off right!

Don’t skip breakfast when you’re dieting, and don’t go for the convenience of a ‘nutrition bar’. Give your body the pick-me-up of fresh fruit in either juice or raw form, and the staying power of a whole grain. One of the best breakfasts you can have is a bowl of whole-grain cereal with fresh berries, melon or peaches. You get
the sugar your body craves, the carbs it needs to run on, and the added
benefit of antioxidant vitamins to help it stay on track and balanced.

Tip # 4: Take a high quality multivitamin every day.

There’s no substitute for a diet that has a healthy balance of all foods, but it’s far too easy to skimp on the essentials when you’re dieting. Make sure that your body doesn’t miss out on the nutrients it needs just because you’re cutting calories. A good multivitamin should contain, at a minimum, the minimum recommended daily allowances of vitamins A, B6, B12, C, E and K. While you’re at it, get out in the sun for at least ten minutes a day to help your body manufacture the vitamin D that it needs.

Tip # 5: Eat your veggies – especially your lettuce.

But don’t confine yourself to iceberg lettuce or to salads. Darker greens have about the same number of calories and carbs, but pack a lot more punch in the vitamins and other nutrient categories. By substituting radicchio, watercress, escarole or spinach for the iceberg lettuce, you add vitamin C, riboflavin’s, manganese and other essential vitamins that aren’t present in lettuce. Try them braised, steamed or grilled for something a little different from the usual salad.

Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas

When most of us think about saunas, one of two things comes to mind: people sweating in a steam-filled room or in a wood-paneled, very hot room. Indeed, traditional saunas are typically extremely hot, with some maintaining dry heat and others dousing the heat source with water, creating steam. In contrast, infrared saunas heat the body without heating the surrounding air. The heaters in infrared saunas emit long, infrared wavelengths that deeply penetrate the skin. Essentially, an infrared sauna conveys all of the benefits of the sun without the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays. More importantly, the heat of a far infrared sauna has a body penetration of up to 1-3/4 inches, whereas traditional saunas only penetrate about 1/8 inch of the body. This can result in a number of potential health benefits, five of which are outlined here.

1. Weight Loss – When it’s hot, your body works hard to maintain its core temperature by sweating. In other words, you lose weight when you sweat. In an infrared sauna, you can burn up to 600 calories in one 30-minute session.

2. Detoxification – Through the air we breathe, the environment in which we live, and the foods we eat, our bodies accumulate and store a lot of chemicals and toxins. Because infrared saunas have such deep penetration, they can help detoxify the body – both at the cellular level and through the skin. This kind of detox helps eliminate such toxins as mercury, lead, alcohol, nicotine, sodium, and cholesterol.

3. Cardiovascular Health – Partaking in an infrared sauna causes your peripheral blood vessels to dilate, which in turn makes your heart work harder. This “workout effect” can help lower blood pressure and increase blood flow.

4. Pain Relief – Because a far infrared sauna penetrates so deeply into the body, it can make a real difference when it comes to pain relief. Those suffering from arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms and other chronic pain conditions often find that pain is alleviated by regular infrared sauna sessions.

5. Anti-Aging – While our skin is our largest organ, it can also be our biggest enemy when it comes to aging. Years of sun damage, along with an accumulation of dirt and toxins, can make us look old before our time. The deep heat of infrared saunas induces sweating, which is a natural way to cleanse the skin, and helps blood flow, which brings nutrients to the skin. In addition, far infrared saunas restore the elasticity of ligaments and tissues – including skin tissue – which helps to make us feel and look younger.

Buying a Sauna

Although many people consider a personal sauna beyond their means, a wholesale sauna can be truly affordable. Buying a discount sauna doesn’t mean skimping on quality, however. When you’re in the market for the best price sauna, be sure to look for one that incorporates what’s called green wave carbon technology. This technology is infinitely superior to ceramic saunas, in that ceramic saunas produce only about 50 cubic inches of infrared heat, whereas carbon saunas generate over 500 cubic inches of heat.

Once you have your infrared sauna, sit back, relax, and enjoy its health and relaxation benefits.

Easy Ways To Have Optimal Health

Everyone can improve their health by simply following these guidelines. Be optimistic, eat right, exercise, sleep well, and find purpose for your life. Follow these and you will become healthier, happier, and more productive.

1. Put away fear and worry and find joy. There are health professionals who recommend not watching or listening to the news. Reading the daily newspaper in the morning starts your day off on a negative path. The news brings you crisis after crisis, tearing you down.

Change your thinking to one of optimism and gratitude. Thinking of things you can be thankful for is a great exercise every morning. Be thankful for life, for family, for the ability to see and to think. It doesn’t matter what you put in the blank. The important thing is to develop a thankful heart.

2. Eat right. Eat more whole foods, less processed foods, and overcome your addictions to junk food. That is hard to hear and perhaps even harder to follow, but it is so vitally important to your overall health.

Besides eating the right foods you need to be careful not to overeat. Overeating causes us to age faster, increases wrinkles, and greatly increases our chances of acquiring many diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. If you need to, decrease the amount of food you eat.

At the same time increase the percentage of whole foods in your diet. Whole foods improve your health and improve your immune system. Eat 7-13 servings of fruits and vegetables each day and reduce the amount of sugar and salt in your diet. You will notice a difference in your energy level and your overall health.

3. Get adequate sleep. If you do not sleep enough your body is not going to function efficiently. It will even slow down your metabolism and make it harder for you to lose extra weight. Also, a lot of hormones are secreted in high levels during sleep which allows your body to recuperate and repair. For example, if you are an athlete or a body builder, not getting enough sleep will increase your chances of injury or failure.

4. Exercise regularly. The average person should try to exercise every day, raising their heart rate a little bit and keeping it there for 20 minutes or so. If you cannot do it every day or every other day, at least do it every three days. Studies have shown that after being sedentary for 72 hours the body’s metabolism starts to decrease.

5. Find purpose in your life. Even people who have experienced horrendous illness have been able to survive for a long, long time because they had a reason to live. They have become incredibly useful individuals within their family and social and community spheres despite their illness.

These five guidelines are very basic and within reach of most people. Followed closely they can lead to a longer, healthier and a more fulfilling life.

Health Foods

There are many of us who are dieting and trying to live a healthy lifestyle. We exercise and go out of our way to eat the best foods we can. Most of us already know that trans-fats, white sugar and white flour are not the best health choices, especially if we want to keep our weight down.

Unfortunately some of the very foods that we think are healthy are ones that can cause a lot of trouble for our bodies, and even make us ill. Below is a list of some surprisingly unhealthy “health foods.”

Artificial Sweeteners
Many people who are dieting, whether it is low calorie or low carb diets, will opt for beverages with artificial sweeteners instead of sugar. Admittedly sugar is certainly a troublemaker and should be avoided, but artificial sweeteners are actually worse for you and could even be dangerous to your health.

All the artificial sweeteners are bad, but one of the worst sweeteners for us is NutraSweet (Equal, aspartame). There are over 92 different health related side effects associated with aspartame consumption, including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures. There are more adverse reactions to NutraSweet reported to the FDA than all other foods and additives combined.

A much better alternative to chemically derived sweeteners is stevia, which comes from a plant. It has been used for centuries with no know side effects. It can be purchased in most health food stores in the United States.

Sports Drinks
Although marketers would have us believe that sports drinks are what the body needs when exercising heavily, the truth is that sports drinks are filled with sugar (sucrose, glucose, and fructose) and salt (potassium and sodium) as well as artificial flavorings and colorings. Add a little salt to Cool-Aid and you have about the same thing. You would be much better off drinking spring water or diluted freshly squeezed juices while exercising.

Most Energy and Sports Bars
Most sports and bars are also filled with things that are not the best for our bodies, and are little better than candy bars. Many of them contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, chemicals, preservatives, and synthetic nutrients. Check the ingredients before you buy an energy bar. Try to find one that is made with whole foods, such as oats and flax seeds, fruits, and natural sweeteners.

Soy Products
This is one of the most surprising ones of all, after all soy has been used for countless generations in Asia. But the way we now use soy is very different than the way the Asians have traditionally used it. The ancient Asians knew that the soybean was hard to digest, so they had extensive fermenting processes that broke down most of the indigestible components, making it much healthier to eat. Examples of this would be products like soy sauce, tempeh, and miso. These were used in small amounts as condiments and flavorings, not as a meat replacement.

But the way we use soy as a meat alternative (texturized vegetable protein or TVP) can be very unhealthy, since soy contains large amounts of toxins or anti-nutrients. Some of the problems the anti-nutrients in soybeans cause are conditions of the pancreas, cancer and thyroid problems. Soybeans also can block the body’s absorption of essential minerals.

Granola (and Other Unprepared Grains)
For the last 30-40 years granola has been synonymous with heath food. But eating unprepared grains, or grains that have not been soaked, fermented or sprouted, has only come about in the last 50-100 years. People who lived before our time understood that unprepared grains could cause dietary distress.

There are anti-nutrients in grains (like there are in soybeans), such as phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors, that make them harder to digest. These antinutrients can cause serious problems like Crohn’s disease, colitis, and even mental disorders. Our failure to prepare our grains properly is one of the reasons that celactic disease is so prevalent now.

So, stay away from the granola. Oatmeal is an excellent addition to our diets, but use whole rolled oats (not instant) and soak them overnight before boiling them for breakfast. Go to our recipe blog at http://coconut-recipes.blogspot.com for a good recipe for coconut oatmeal.

Good breads to eat are those that have properly prepared grains, including whole grain sourdough and sprouted grain breads. You can usually find these in specialty grocery stores and health food stores.

If you are trying to lose weight and/or eat healthier, remember that just because a company markets a “healthy” product well or a health food store sells it, it doesn’t mean that it is really healthy for you. Do some research before you grab that sports bar, or better yet, reach for an organic apple, cherries, or some other natural (not processed) food. Your body will thank you and reward you for it.

fitness magazines

There is no shortage of fitness information these days. Everyone has some sort of opinion on how to diet and when to exercise. It’s a never-ending and constantly evolving process. This is to be expected somewhat. After all, we’re always discovering new things about the human physique. But, all this information from popular fitness magazines and Internet websites can cause confusion. I know that I’m sometimes confused about which exercises are best and what makes a greater difference. We all want the cold-hard facts. We want to know what exercises really work and how often they should be done.

I got into fitness magazines recently because I am trying to improve my weight training regimen. My wife has been reading these for years. She loves “Shape” and “Self,” which are both women’s fitness magazines. Personally I have always been consumed with martial arts magazines, simply because I love fighting arts. But, it was time to get the current scoop on proper and efficient weight training. Now, just to be clear, parts of this were and still are not clear to me. After reading through numerous bodybuilding websites and fitness magazines, I’ve come to a few conclusions. First of all, different things work better for different people. While many authors encouraged me to lift heavier weights and do fewer reps in order to build mass, a few others claimed that I should be able to accomplish at least 8 reps, or my load is too big. Both said that 3-8 sets were important for building muscle mass. Just to give you an example, I investigated ways to build my chest. Several fitness magazines and websites encouraged four chest exercises for a session. This should equal about 12-16 sets total. Bench press, incline, decline, flys, and cable cross-overs are all recommended. Good enough! Now come the reps and weight issue. This varied from source to source. In the end I went with the heavier weight, less reps simply because it makes the most sense to me. Heavier weight will result in more torn muscle fibers and make the muscles grow larger. Plus, you obviously want to increase.

You can’t always pay attention to fitness magazines just because their published work. You may find other methods or exercises more helpful in your fitness regimen. It’s crucial to remember that opinions and results will vary.

fitness instructor class

The way that I look at it, the fitness instructor courses that I take are just an opportunity to do what I love, and make money while I do it! You see, I have been a fitness fanatic and an athlete for as long as I can remember. Although I only recently began to take my first fitness instructor course, already I can see that it is the culmination of the lifelong passion for physical activity. Growing up on a farm in the Midwest, I have known the importance of keeping active since I was very small. Not only were the farm chores to do, but when we were done with the work at the end of the day, there was so much beautiful, pristine nature to explore. I kept busy all the time outdoors. I even did my schoolwork outdoors when the weather would allow me.

Of course my fitness instructor course is indoors, but it still allows me to indulge the passion for physical exertion that I have always had. After all, I go to a fitness instructor school that draws some of the best athletes in the country. It is almost impossible to make it in the area of professional sports – not only do you have to be at the very top of your game, but you have to have the luck to not have any serious injuries. One or two bad ones early on can ruin your career. This is why taking a fitness instructor course is such a good idea for so many talented athletes out there. We may only be able to keep playing at the top of our game for a few years, but we’ll be able to stay fit and make a good living teaching fitness for many many years to come.

Of course there is more than one fitness instructor class you can study. Not only can you find a fitness instructor course covering traditional areas such as weight lifting, supplements, sports medicine, and safety, you can find classes in more interesting and esoteric areas as well. For example, yoga is one of the most popular kinds of fitness instructor course in this day and age. This is because it can be used for a whole lifetime to ensure good flexibility and good health for as long as it is practiced. Unlike a fitness instructor course is only useful in the prime of your life, yoga will be useful for your entire life.

Fitness Instructor

If you ask me about annoying people, I will tell you that one of the most annoying is a fitness instructor. Are they bad people? No, certainly not. Are they as people unlikable? No. The problem is that when I’m exercising they are telling me to work harder, push myself more. While I know that is exactly what I need to do, and that is just what they are getting paid to do, I still can’t help but fantasizing about smacking them across the face just once. I’m not a mean person by any means, but even I have my limits, and I can get cranky when my limits are pushed.

I would never do that of course, because I really don’t have anything against any fitness instructor I have ever met. They are great people, even if they are a little overly peppy. They do what they need to do to keep you moving so you can get the very best out of your workout. Even though my temper may flare in the middle of a workout when the fitness instructor says, “Just one more time,” I am grateful to them when the workout is over and I feel like I have accomplished something.

If you are having trouble keeping up with your fitness instructor, you may want to do something a little different until you can get your endurance up to par with the class they are holding. Everyone has to start somewhere, and many times classes with a fitness instructor are not the best idea for someone just starting down the path to a better lifestyle. Unless a class is specifically geared towards beginners, you might want to work one on one with a personal trainer for a while before you attempt a class. You may even find working with a personal trainer is something you want to stick with permanently.

If you are in great shape, on the other hand, and you love to workout, you may want to consider being a fitness instructor as a way to make money. Many gyms need instructors who can teach and keep a class moving and motivated. You can take courses to teach you how to be a good and effective fitness instructor, and these may also help you learn how to be a personal trainer if you want to skip the class and work one on one with people. For the workout junkie, this might be the perfect career choice.

fitness centers

When you are looking to get into shape, you have a lot of options. Some prefer to walk around their neighborhood, or to buy something they can use in their home. Others like to find fitness centers so that they can get out of the house and have more choices for their workouts. This is a good alternative for many, as long as they pick the right place. If someone were to choose a place that feels wrong, or that just doesn’t have what they need, they are going to be wasting their money with little or no results.

Some are intimidated by the large named fitness centers out there because they fear they are going to stick out when they go there. They envision that everyone there will be toned, tanned, and without an extra ounce of body fat anywhere. Though there are people in fitness centers like that, there are also those who are somewhere in between where they started and where they want to be. Not everyone will look like those in the commercials. Though this should not matter to someone who wants to get into shape, it can be demoralizing at times.

There are newer fitness centers cropping up that are made for those who don’t want to go to a gym like those seen on television. Curves is one of these places. They are made mostly for women, and they advertise with women of all sizes and levels of health. As far as fitness centers go, they are certainly appealing to those who are going to be excessively self conscious when they arrive for their very first workout. It should be a good mix of comfort along with the motivation to succeed. These are popping up all over the place, even in small communities, and that can only be because they are successful and in demand.

Some choose to go to fitness centers that cater to the whole family. These can be a lot of fun for the adults because they can go whenever they want, and they can take their children with them. There are usually activities for the children that can allow them to stay in shape, or get into better shape, without them even knowing what is going on. They may just think they are being entertained while their parents work out at fitness centers, but they are actually getting some exercise of their own. That’s definitely a win-win situation for everyone.

Accessories For Yoga Exercises

There are many accessories for Yoga exercises that will serve to make you more comfortable, and help you achieve the most benefit from every Yoga pose that you achieve. Some of the accessories are considered to be props, but there are various mats that will prove to be beneficial to. There are many books written on Yoga that would make perfect accessories to refer to while learning and practicing Yoga.

One of the most common accessories for Yoga will be the apparel and clothing that is worn when going through the various poses of Yogo. Since Yoga is for developing a zest for living through meditation and exercise, the apparel worn for Yogo must be comfortable enough to be worn all day long. Yogo wear is casual wear and for those with busy lives it can also be considered active wear.

There are spiritual charms that can be worn as accessories for yoga because the Yoga experience is based on developing the spiritual side of our being. There are Yoga T-shirts that are designed to make you feel good about yourself and the changes that are occurring in both your mind and your body at the same time. Many of the Yoga shorts are stylish enough for wearing out on the town.

The accessories for Yoga exercises include blankets that can be placed on the floor to make your body comfortable. There are benches that you can use while meditating that provide for comfort and the cushions that are on the benches will also mold to your body to provide a better barrier to lean against when any type of stretching or deep breathing exercises are needed.

The straps used in Yoga are accessories for Yoga stretches, and when used correctly the straps will also help a person maintain a pose for a longer period of time than they would be able to if they did not use this type of accessory. Some people prefer to use sandbags during their workout because they find the added weight helps them to develop toned muscles at a faster rate.

The Yoga balls are often used by people at home for their own personal exercise program. Using the Yoga balls will be difficult at first because they do tend to roll when you least expect them to, but as with any Yoga exercise, controlling muscles takes time and with time, people are able to balance and stretch further with the balls than they ever have before.

All of the accessories used in Yoga will fit into a Yoga bag. These handy bags have been designed to accommodate the width of a Yoga mat and are equipped with plenty of space to store smaller objects. The Yoga mat will provide a center stage for all exercise and it will serve as a focal point during all Yoga meditations and routines. There are massage accessories for Yoga which often helps the body to relax too.

Fitness While Pregnant – Is It Safe

For many years it was believed that once a woman became pregnant she should just lounge on the couch and rest for hours on end, each and every day. After numerous clinical studies it was found that most women should do quite the opposite.

In most cases, women should continue with their daily routines, and if they are not doing so already, they should begin a regular daily fitness regimen.

It has been found that exercising during pregnancy has numerous beneficial effects. Exercising will give you more energy and stamina, increase your confidence, and give you the extra strength you need for delivering your newborn.

A daily fitness regimen performed by the mother-to-be during pregnancy has also been found to produce a healthier and stronger baby.

An added bonus for those of you dreading those long hours of child labor is that regular exercise during pregnancy has been known to reduce the time frame for this process by about a third. This in itself is a great motivating factor,
since every hour spent in labor can seem like a much longer period of time.

While exercise will undoubtedly help you obtain all these wonderful benefits, there are some guidelines you should follow:

Always consult our physician before beginning any diet and/or exercise regimen. This is to ensure you will be able to do this without causing harm to yourself and your recovering body.

Always start out slowly. Try several activities and do not attempt to perform very strenuous exercises or spend too much time at the gym. Find some exercises or activities you like and enjoy and do them regularly, but try not to exceed more than 30 minutes at a time. If you begin to feel exerted or worn out, stop exercising immediately and rest for a while. The whole purpose of exercising is to help maintain good health and self esteem, not injure or endanger yourself or your unborn.

Avoid high altitudes, extreme humidity, or especially warm temperatures when exercising. Getting overheated is not beneficial to you or our baby, and it could actually cause harm. Be sure you drink plenty of water and keep yourself

Monitor your heart rate, your breathing, and your pulse. This will allow you to observe your progress and notice any limitations you may need to be aware of. Knowing this information and making a note of it while exercising could assist your physician in diagnosing any problems or potential hazards you may face.

While you are in your final trimester, try to avoid any bouncing, jumping, or running. These activities can potentially cause injury to you or your unborn child.

Pregnancy causes many changes for any woman, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Be sure you communicate openly with your partner and your doctor. Keep all of your limitations in mind and never try to exercise more than is reasonable for your stage of pregnancy.

Fitness While Pregnant

Pregnant women can and should exercise in moderation unless there are health factors or risks that prevent them from participating in a fitness program. This should consist of intervals of no more than thirty minutes at a time, several days each week if not every day of the week. Exercising has been proven to help pregnant women feel and look better, and also will help in minimizing the amount of weight gained during pregnancy.

Keep fit during pregnancy can help prevent or avoid problems such as gestational diabetes, a common form of diabetes that sometimes develops during pregnancy. It will also help increase stamina, which will be needed for labor delivery and increase your physical and emotional well being before and after delivery. Staying in shape will also help speed your recovery after the birth of your baby. Always be sure to consult with your physician before beginning any type of fitness program while you are pregnant.

Fitness programs that are appropriate for pregnant women include walking, swimming, low or no-impact aerobics (done at a mild pace), yoga, and Pilates for as long as you are able to complete the required moves. You should always avoid activities that can put you at a high risk for injury. Forms of sports or exercise that may cause you to be hit in the abdomen or are performed lying flat on your back are considered high risk. This is extremely important after the third month. Another sport you will need to avoid during pregnancy is scuba diving. While this may seem completely harmless, especially since being in the water makes you feel lighter and more agile, it can cause dangerous gas bubbles to form in an unborn child’s circulatory system.

There are numerous benefits that exercise can bring to a pregnant woman. You will burn calories, which will help prevent any excessive weight gain. If you work out on a regular basis, you will improve the condition of your joints and muscles, which will be very helpful during the birth of your baby. The long-term effects will also continue after giving birth and will also help you lower your risk of heart disease and many other serious illnesses.

Staying in shape will help to relieve any anxiety and stress you may feel. It will also help to prevent the “baby blues” that many new mothers experience after the birth of their child. This is valuable information since so many new mothers worry if postpartum depression will affect their lives and the lives of their family. Participating in fitness programs while pregnant gives many emotional as well as physical benefits.

Once your doctor give you the go ahead to begin a fitness program, decide on a program that fits both your likes and schedule. Keep in mind that it is best if you do not exceed a 30-minute period of time while exercising. If you are finding it difficult to pick a program, try several different types of exercises that are appropriate for pregnant women then decide which you enjoy the most. You may want to incorporate a variety of exercises into your routine to help prevent boredom and discouragement. Exercising while you are pregnant is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your unborn child.

Fitness Training – The Importance of Correct Warming Up

All types of physical practice, in fitness or any other sport, must begin with correct warming up. This activity, together with relaxation and the main stage, are the three essential parts of the training.

The types of warming up can vary a lot in length, intensity and structure of exercises, according to the sport or the training you want to start. Although there are many kinds of warming up, all of them have in common two distinct stages.

The first stage concerns general warming up, whose purpose is to gradually prepare the whole body for the effort which will follow. The body temperature also increases. At this stage, the inertia of the body is easily removed through aerobic exercises (running, cycling, etc.). This stage should not take more than 5-10 minutes; otherwise it will change into a real aerobic training. It is well known that during aerobic effort the body consumes a lot of glycogen, so, especially before force training (anaerobic), there is the risk of running out of energy.

The second stage of warming up is specific to each sport. This stage aims to warm up the main muscles and joints involved in the effort, but also to anticipate, by simulation, some movements from the main part of the training. This stage can be longer than the first one and includes different types of gymnastics for the joints, jumping, exercises at greater speed, stretching, etc. However, this stage shouldn’t be very long either, because the sportsman needs to save physical energy and to avoid mental stress. In many sports (target shooting, fencing, tennis, etc.), mental stress can be bigger than physical effort.

These two stages of warming up must come one after the other very strictly. It is forbidden to switch their order, and also to skip one of them. Unfortunately, it is common in sport to skip the first stage and do just specific warming up, which is considered more important.

This is a big mistake, because this type of exercises does not rise the body temperature as much as the ones involving minimum aerobic effort. The result is that the body will be much more rigid and a lot less prepared for the main part of the training. There are cases, especially in sport games, when both stages of warming up are abandoned. Kicking the ball or passing a few times are supposed to replace a thorough, but boring warming up.

Not doing the warming up correctly or, worse, not doing it at all increases the risk of having accidents during training or competing. Possible accidents range from simple ones, like pulling a muscle or cramps, to some really bad ones (ruptured muscles, hernia, sprains, dislocations, etc.). Even if, luckily, such accidents do not happen, the body will experience a dramatic decrease of efficiency in performing the exercises.

It is very important for beginners to do the warming up. If they do not ignore it when they take up sport, they will form a habit of warming up and will, hopefully, keep this habit as long as they do sport. They must not assume the false idea that, being beginners, they shouldn’t exercise so intensely.

All these problems are traps that correct warming up can definitely avoid.

Fitness Training – How to Make it More Effective

1. Number of trainings. What’s most necessary for making a fitness program more effective is establishing a certain number of trainings every week. It is considered that the minimum number of trainings is two (anaerobic) and three (aerobic) every week. If they are combined, their number can be reduced to three trainings a week (two combined and one aerobic). Obviously, an increase in the number of weekly trainings brings better and more rapid results. Their maximum number would be four force trainings (anaerobic) and six resistance trainings (aerobic).

Doing less than the minimum of training could lead to erasing of information and getting out of shape. Training more than the maximum indicated could bring with it the risk of over-training, of physical overwork.

2. Individualize the frequency of the programs. One of the roles of the fitness trainer is to individualize the frequency of the programs, in order to find the best periodicity for every person involved in training.

3. Performing the exercises correctly. Another factor that can increase the effectiveness of a training program is performing the exercises correctly. Wrong technique will quickly determine worse results, even if the program which includes those exercises is well conceived, organized in time and personalized. Besides lack of good results, the person who didn’t acquire good training technique exposes himself to the risk of sometimes very bad accidents (muscular ruptures, hernia, stroke, etc.).

4. Performed automatically. The movements a person learns must get to be mastered and performed automatically, the same as the technique of breathing which accompany them. This way, the sportsman will save mental energy that he can use for getting the right intensity, focusing on the muscle towards which a particular exercise is directed, forced repetitions of movements, etc. Any new exercise require patience and time in order to be correctly assimilated and introduced in the set of exercises mastered by any sportsman.

5. Well-balanced diet and hydration. Besides a well-balanced diet (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids – 4:1:1 – the proportion in grams per kilogram of food principles), hydrating must be given special care. Good hydrating of the body has as a result the increase of the efficiency of a fitness program. The body must be carefully hydrated before, during and after training. The sensation of thirst must not be experienced – this would only be a late signal of dehydration. The types of liquids that can be used can and should vary a lot: soda, plant teas, fruit, fresh juice, isotonic drinks, energizers, etc. Be also careful with the drinks that fasten dehydration. This category of liquids includes drinks which contain caffeine or alcohol. They forcedly increase dieresis, fastening dehydration, which is also naturally determined by the training (especially by aerobic training).

6. Biorhythm. Another factor that must be considered is biorhythm, which is specific to each person. The training must thus be placed at the time of maximum physical efficiency, time which is directly related to the increase of the body temperature

Exercises Correctly

In fitness, like in any other sport, correct performing of exercises is essential. Even if a program is well dosed, divided and individualized, as long as the exercises are not done correctly, no one can expect to achieve the results he/ she expected. Moreover, there could be a risk for his/ her body health and integrity.

Special attention must be paid to the condition of the spine, which could suffer from pathological deformation of the type of cifosis, scoliosis, lordosis or combined problems. These cases are more to be dealt with in the field of kinetic therapy, medical gymnastics, etc. In the other cases, the natural curves of the spine must always be protected and maintained in a safe condition.

In order to reduce the risk of injury, the sportsman must be careful not only with the correctness of the exercises, but also with fortifying spine muscles. The major joints of the body (the coxofemural joints and the joints of the elbow and the knee) must not be neglected, since they are the most exposed to effort.

Regarding the correctness of the exercises, it is recommended that the normal amplitude of a joint not be forced. If the purpose of the training is to increase the mobility of the joints, the body must be carefully warmed up before the flexibility exercises. All the body must be warmed up with aerobic exercises for about 5-10 minutes. This is necessary for gradually increasing the temperature of the whole body, so implicitly of the joints which are going to be involved in the effort. For the same purpose, the stretching exercises are extremely important and effective. Their dosing must be carefully graduated and at the beginning a very short period (8-10 seconds) must not be exceeded.

The technique of performing the exercises is constantly improved, so that the sportsman can reach skills which will be very useful when he/ she tries to learn new and more complex exercises. From the large area of force exercises, one must avoid the positions which involve a moment of pressure of the spine and the partial repetitions which do not open or close a joint completely.

In the case of efforts during which the body is prone to repeated shocks, like running, jumping, special attention must be paid to techniques meant to dampen, to soften the impact. In sports which encourage deformation, partial development of the body, like cycling, tennis, football, it is necessary to try and maintain a balance between the muscle groups which are less involved in effort during specific training and the ones overexerted. Compensating exercises can always be found for every agonist or antagonist muscle. This way the joints involved in exercising are much better protected.

It is also very important to vary the exercises regularly in order to avoid routine, which is very frustrating for the sportsman who trains constantly, for a long time, in the same program. The effort must be carefully dosed so that the sportsmen avoid both overtraining and training below the level of minimum effectiveness.

If you consider these aspects of individual or collective training, the effectiveness of your training will definitely improve.

Fitness Training

People all over the world are becoming more and more health conscious, the priority has been shifting from everything else to the fact that the most important thing in life, is to keep oneself in shape and fit, to enjoy things in life. Keeping fit, means capturing the days of youth and all the fun of those days alive. Man can give up everything for the sake of keeping himself young. In spite of all the kinds of treatments that have been flourishing the market, the people have not been driven crazy, they still trust the basic natural way of keeping in shape, i.e., by exercising regularly and maintaining a working routine. It is very necessary to go for a complete fitness training, which takes care of all the aspects of making a fit body, beginning from making note about the right kind of diet and right kind of exercises which suits the physical conditions of the body.

The several benefits that are derived from the regular physical fitness workouts. Workout chalked out in correspondence to the physical needs of the body, if observed regularly, may help the body get into the desired shape and develop resistance power in the body. The major benefits derived from fitness training programs are bringing down the weight of the bulky body to right proportion, increases the resistance power in the body which results in decreasing the risks of getting attacked by diseases, helps in cutting down the fat from the body and finally gives the body a toned shape. Not only these, but also helps in frequently getting caught in depressions, cures insomnia by helping enhance the sleeping routine, releases positive vibes in the body and thus increases self-esteem and apart from these also gives more energy and stamina to the body.

Fitness training also helps in increasing the metabolism of the body, which means more muscles using more calories in body. The training helps increase fit muscles in body, by burning the calories. After the body grows senile, the body loses its muscles and the metabolism of the body slows down gradually, which means the calories of the body is not burnt and get concentrated which results in increasing the weight of the body. So to keep the metabolism from slowing down and not letting the fat concentrate in the body one can opt for some fitness training and take some aerobic activities. Taking exercises not only helps one maintain a strong and toned look from outside but also helps in keeping the mental peace and content. It also helps in reducing symptoms of menopause, cardiac diseases and keeps the level of cholesterol in control. And in all it gives the body a much toned shape, which not only looks strong but is stronger than what it looks like.

Boredom Busters

One of the biggest obstacles to staying on track for fitness is losing motivation. People are just starting an exercise program can find themselves quickly tired of the same routine. Keeping exercise appealing and maintaining a good fitness perspective is key to long-term success.

If you have to watch the exact same episode of your favorite television show every day for the rest of your life, you would probably be banging your head against the wall by the end of the week. You would change the channel, pick up a book, or do anything you could to avoid something you once enjoyed.

Yet, many people starting on a fitness program feel compelled to follow the same routine, day after day after day, and consequently fall off the exercise wagon due to sheer boredom.

That is why, most people would want the services of a fitness trainer in order to provide them the different portions of the fitness program in a more livelier style.

Fitness trainers are actually those who are expert in analyzing and creating a fitness program that is right for you. They are the ones who will calculate your appropriateness to a certain program with regards to your “fitness level,” create the program according to your specific needs, and keep you stimulated and inspired by giving you activities that will not bore you.

But then again, as with other entities included in the fitness world, not all fitness trainers are created equal. They may vary from the different trainings that they have, the health education they have acquired, and the skills that they have learned.

Hence, it is important to consider some factors that will determine if a certain fitness trainer is right for you. Here is how:

1. Certification

Like any item or product, the quality is sometimes measured and determined through the certification that goes with it. Hence, before you choose your fitness trainer, it is important to verify if the trainer is duly certified by a highly regarded fitness association.

It is also best to choose a trainer that has a CPR certification or first aid qualifications.

2. Education/Trainings

Be sure to choose a fitness trainer who had acquired an adequate training and education as far as health and physical fitness is concerned.

Even though it is not necessary, trainers who have acquired education connected with health or any other related field will definitely have an edge over the others.

3. Knows how to give the right attention

A good fitness trainer should know how to provide his or her client an undivided attention whenever their session is going on. In this way, the trainer will be able to focus more on the details that needs attention and immediate considerations.

4. Knows how to track development

It is best to choose a fitness trainer that knows how to track his or her client’s progress as far as fitness is concerned.

In this way, the trainer will be able to generate new activities and trainings designated for a particular result of the client.

5. Good Personality

Since you will be dealing most with your fitness trainer, it is best if you will look for somebody with a pleasing personality, somebody whom you can be comfortable. It is best to hire the services of somebody whom you can easily get along with.

Boiled down, the services of a fitness center and the contributions it can give you while working out on those belly fats, are, indeed, one of the best help that you can get from a professional person who knows what he is doing.

Hence, it is best to choose the best person who can give you the best services that you need so that you will never get bored again.

Fitness Rowers Reviews

It’s important to read the fitness rower reviews before investing in them. Fitness rowers give a complete workout and are high impact cardio vascular machines. They help in cutting the flab as well as toning the body. The fitness rowers simulate the action of rowing in water (like rowing small boats). Therefore there is exercise for arms, legs and the whole body. Fitness rowers give washboard abs (or abdomen) and make the butt more clenched.

However they have certain disadvantages. They are very pushing for the joints and the knees, thus people who suffer from arthritis of the knees and the joints should avoid it. Instead they should go in for the low impact cardio vascular machines. Before using the fitness rowers, one should seek the advice of the doctor. When you get the go ahead from the doctor, you’ll find many reviews which can tell you which fitness rower will work the best for you. The fitness rower reviews show the comparison between the various fitness rowers that are available in the market. After you have gone thru a thorough comparison, make the decision to buy the fitness rower.

If done properly and without pushing yourself too far, then this machine is great for a whole body workout. You can use the air rowers both at the gym as well as at home. The home models are more compact and can be easily folded away under the bed or some such similar way. That’s why it’s great even for small spaces. Thus if you are looking for the home versions of the fitness rowers, look for a review such that the reviews of the fitness rowers help you in the purchase decision. Ask your gym instructor as well a the personal trainer to give you tips for buying the best fitness rower.

Fitness Rowers Burn Flab

With increased availability of food and modern mechanisms, our bodies have got used to a comfortable lifestyle. However with this comfort, our bodies have become less fit than they used to be. Thus it’s become essential, that we exercise to keep our bodies fit. Thus fitness rowers are a great way to cut the flab and keep the calories burning. There are innumerable fitness rowers, which are available in the market. Fitness rowers can be used at home as well as in the gym. A word of caution, before you start any form of exercise, it’s important to ask the advice of the doctor.

There are many options, which are available in the market. The difference between the cheaper and the more expensive models are the range of functions that they offer. Thus when you are looking at buying, its important that fitness rowers reviews and functions are noted. For this you can visit several websites as well as physical stores, where the range is on display. Purchase a fitness rower after doing a thorough market research dependent upon whether you want it for home use or professional use, the price and your personal budget, the functions and the material used in the fitness rower.

Fitness rowers provide a great cardio vascular workout. Since at the same time, one works out the arm as well as the calf muscles, it’s a complete workout for the whole body as say compared to a treadmill. As with swimming, it gives a complete body workout, therefore its essential that fitness rowers be incorporated. for those who want to shed their calories. Fitness rowers are also known by other names such as stamina air rower or simply air rower. The more compact air rowers can even be folded away, thus making the space usage optimum.

Fitness Rowers

For a complete workout of the body fitness rowers are the best. They exercise the entire body, much in the same that swimming does. Thus it’s a great cardio vascular exercise, which helps to lose the calories as well as tone up the body. The fitness rower uses air as a means of resistance. Fitness rowers come with a variety of resistance levels. Thus a person can have the workout required by them. Therefore athletes as well as the beginners use it. The smaller fitness rowers are meant for home use. They can also be folded and tucked away to increase the usage of the spaces inside the house.

The best fitness rowers are also the most expensive ones. The upper end of the fitness rowers is means for the gym. They have a variety of resistance levels as well as programs to suit the needs of all. A control panel is a must because this displays feedback readings when exercising (found on the best fitness rowers) thereby making the exerciser reach their optimum workout level.

Since stationary bikes and the like can’t be stowed away, the usual storability of rowing machines is one of the greatest benefits they have. It is not an all-encompassing rule because the larger more expensive machines, although space efficient are not foldable.

Fitness rowers need to be assembled, before they can be made usable for workouts. Hence one should read the instructions manual carefully so as not to break any parts while assembling the fitness rower. The personal trainer or the gym instructor should be asked before . Ask around for the best available fitness rowers within a particular budgets. Sometimes the best fitness rowers are also available on discounts. Shop around before you purchase a fitness rower. This will enable you to negotiate for lower prices also and thus you can have savings.

Health Nuts

Do you know anyone who needs to lose weight?

HAHAHAHA! Stupid question, right?

Let’s try this one: Do you know anyone whose health needs some improvement?

HAHAHAHAHA! Stop it – this is supposed to be a serious article!

How about this one: Do you know anyone who is financially set, and never has to worry about money again – for the REST of their lives?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, now this is getting ridiculous. Do you see the madness or the pattern yet in these questions?

Every SINGLE person that you know needs to either lose weight, clean up their health, or make more money. Name one person who doesn’t fit into one – if not all – of those descriptions.

You can’t do it, can you? Of course not!

So, all of that being said, who do you think is in the best position to take advantage of this horrific state of affairs?

Personal trainers and other fitness professionals? Maybe, but only to a certain degree. Your average personal trainer, nutritionist, or weight loss coach has exactly 24 hours in their day just like you do. If they aren’t doing what they do, they are aren’t getting paid.

If you know a personal trainer or other fitness professional, I challenge you to ask them if they feel like they spend enough time with their family, or if they love the hours that they work, or if they think they can keep up their present schedule for another 20 or 30 years, or if they feel financially secure and independent. I don’t even need to know the answers that you’ll be getting, because I’ve already been there and done that.

Okay, what about your average health nut, a.k.a – gym rat, body nazi, health food junkie, etc. How are they benefitting from all of this? They’re not, that’s how. In fact, with the increasing number of exercise modalities and nutritional supplements available today, even the die hard health freaks are having trouble maintaining a straight and true course.

Only those who are rock solid with their plans and their follow through are seeing the personal success of their efforts, but they aren’t getting any further benefit from the sad state of affairs with the rest of the world.

Let’s look at your average corporate worker bee, a.k.a. – corporate slave. How are they benefitting from a world that is falling apart in terms of health, quality of life, and physical fitness?

You guessed it – they’re not! They are stuck behind their desks, in their warehouses, out on their job sites, and strapped to their paychecks. They barely know and certainly don’t take action about the fact that a health and wellness revolution is literally happening all around them, every minute of every day.

What about the Home Bodies? You know, those lucky few who either stay home with their families, or who own their own businesses? Are you one of those people? If so, what are you doing with your time? Are you taking a crack at getting your piece of the Wellness Revolution, or are you too busy taking the kids to soccer practice?

By now you must be wondering just what is the point to all of this.

This has all been about making a very important point. That point is that our world is literally on the brink of the most incredible health and financial revolution that has ever happened – or will likely ever happen again.

Only those individuals who act now by utilizing “out of the box” thinking can truly improve their own health and quality of life, and also make a fortune helping others to do the same.

No career in the health and fitness industry is going to net you the same result as actually getting out there in the trenches and making a difference.

No amount of exercise or attention to just your own health is going to net you the same result as becoming a Soldier in the Wellness Revolution.

No corporate job – even for a health related company – is going to get you as big of a slice of the pie as simply taking charge of your own efforts to effect change during the revolution.

No amount of encouraging your kids and the local sports leagues to “Go Team!” is going to make a bit of difference in your own checking account, or in your own level of health.

So how CAN you get a piece of all of this action?

Join the Revolution! There are systems in place right now – as you read this very article – that will allow each and every one of you to grasp the details of the Revolution, and to get a handsome piece of the action by taking that information to others.

The ability that you have – at this very moment – to effect a positive change while making good money is available to everyone of any age, and from every single walk of life.

Let’s recap:

Your present lifestyle and financial plan will likely leave you with just enough money to go through your Golden Years counting every penny that you spend until you die, and hopefully in the meantime you won’t have become a victim of the ever-growing ignorance about truly effective health and fitness solutions.

Or, you make a stand RIGHT NOW. Learn how you can improve your own health, help literally thousands of other people, and make a small fortune in the process by joining the Wellness Revolution.

Are you going to be a part of the future, or a victim of it?

Fitness Programs

Fitness is a state of the human body that allows it to function up to its full potential. It is the ability to do regular jobs without any strain, while being alert and energetic enough to endure any stressful activities. It is basically a condition wherein, all the major parts of the body, heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, bones and muscles are in proper working condition. There are four aspects related to physical fitness: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, and muscular endurance and flexibility. Fitness programs are the path to having a healthy body. They are the perfect way to incorporate exercise into the daily routine. Fitness programs, when followed religiously, are a remarkable way to counter several diseases, even in old age. Fitness programs need a lot of commitment and hard work.

There are several stages in incorporating a fitness program into your daily routine. The first thing is to check your present health condition to determine what kind of a program would suit you. This requires a basic health check up of blood pressure, diabetes-check, and a full work over for any suspected diseases, and past injuries. Also, consider your family history. Are you prone to heart attacks, strokes, arthritis, and other ailments? A major aspect in physical fitness is the body’s composition, which indicates the makeup of the body in terms of the ratio of lean mass to fat mass. Lean mass is comprised of muscle, bone, vital tissue and organs. Fat is fat.

Fitness programs take all these physical conditions of the person into account. The ideal exercise regime for a person will suit his/her body type. This is also contingent upon one’s objective be it weight loss, physical strength, or others. Fitness programs are composed of several kinds of activities such as: aerobics, aquatic exercises, golf, walking, skipping, jogging, swimming, bicycling, running, skiing, or playing sports like tennis and squash.

Fitness program should be chosen to suit your fitness level. They should be enjoyable, with realistic goals, and should fit well with your lifestyle. Some people may not see immediate results. Depending on the program as well as their body type results may vary. However, patience is very important. Choosing more than one type of exercise would also make it interesting. You can opt for an instructor for special kinds of fitness programs or for group fitness programs. People with disabilities need to follow fitness programs consistently.

There are many professional fitness centers that have sophisticated equipment to suit all kinds of people and their fitness needs. These centers have professionals and medical specialists who would be able to offer advice about the best kind of fitness program to take up. They provide customized workout routines, nutrition plans, personal trainers, and expert guidance to make the results last.

Fitness Magazines

With the concept of staying fit and healthy dominating the society today, how hard you should be pushing yourself depends on your level of fitness and your health history. You can kick off with your doctor’s recommendation regarding optimal heart rate target for working out based on these factors.

On the other hand, you may start reading fitness magazines in order to entice you to start toning those thighs and biceps and have beautiful abs that can be very amusing to the others.

Since the advent of the printing technology, printing has been a crucial factor in progressive development of a person as well as a nation. Through prints, you now have some fitness magazines that do not only offer colorful graphics and superb layout but also helpful and useful tips and advices that people can use.

Fitness magazines are specifically designed to provide people with facts and information to come up with an improved body and a healthier life.

The best thing about most fitness magazines is that they do not “beat around the bush.” Most fitness magazines provide you with straightforward, no hype or shortcuts, just detailed and reliable information and feasible tips about fitness, health, and ideas on how to life a quality life. Fitness magazines only provide relevant pieces of information that matter most to you and your family.

Each article written in fitness magazines are classified according to the topics they possess. The categories may range from basic information about foods to the sports and fitness advices from health and fitness experts.

Consequently, one of the known benefits of having fitness magazine in the market is based on the premise that people need ageless realities bounded by true-to-life testimonials of other people. The articles written in fitness magazines are based on unfussy, systematic approach specifically made to answer timely issues about health and fitness.

These articles are specifically generated to motivate people to cope up and succeed in spite of the many adversities in life.

Best of all, fitness magazines are also great sources of advertisements that focus more on health products such as vitamins and minerals food supplements and other necessary equipments needed to keep your body at its optimum peak of health.

Alternatively, with the advent of information technology, fitness magazines are now available in the Internet. Like its printed replica, electronic forms of fitness magazines likewise provide pertinent information about health and fitness.

The only edge they have with their printed counterparts is that they can be easily accessed anytime, anywhere. You can even download some articles free of charge. There is also a wide array of tips and advices regarding some frequently asked questions of fitness buffs.

Moreover, fitness magazines on the Internet also provide some healthy gourmet recipes that fitness aficionados can use. These recipes do not just offer alternative way to stay fit but also provides sumptuous treat to the palate.

Best of all, virtual fitness magazines offers readily available hyperlinks to web sites that offer fitness products and equipments, and with the convenience of online shopping, you can readily purchase these products with just one click.

Indeed, there could be no better way to acquire the right information and facts about health and fitness like what fitness magazines can provide. It is definitely your one-stop health journal in a snap.

Stair Sprinting

Anybody can lose weight; it’s no big deal. You only have to be careful about the food you eat and to make more effort than you usually do. Dieting doesn’t have to mean food deprivation and money spent on gym subscriptions. You can keep your body in shape with simple exercises that do not require gym equipment or professional advice and supervision. If you’re also using a dietary supplement like ProShaperx, losing weight will be the simplest thing in the world.

A simple exercise that anybody can perform at home or the park is called Stair Sprinting. The name is pretty self explanatory. All you have to do is run up and down the stairs between several floors; the more floors, the better off you’ll be.

It’s a good idea to start small, even if you’re in a good physical condition. Run up and down four floors two times. First timers and overweight people are unlikely to manage more than two reps anyway. However, it’s no big deal if you can’t do more than two reps in the beginning. Resistance to effort is built in time. Do the two reps every other day for two weeks.

After two weeks increase the number of reps to either three or four, depending on how you feel. If you can take four reps up and down four flights of stairs, then by all means do so. If you can’t, then stick to three reps. As the weeks go by, you can add even more reps to your routine in order to increase your endurance and to really put the muscles to work.

This exercise is perfect for the legs and ass. Ladies and gents looking to build shapely asses and strong thighs ought to try stair sprinting. Having to carry your own weight up the stairs instead of flat terrain puts more stress on the muscles and helps the feet gain more endurance. However, be very careful when doing this exercise. Running up and down the stairs makes it very easy to trip or miss a step and splay an ankle. Even more serious injuries might happen if you’re not careful enough.

Fitness Revenge

Staying Fit Is The Best Revenge

There are more people getting fitter after forty than ever before.

We now know that it is possible, and desirable, to keep exercising into old age.

Exercise will help prevent the onset of many diseases associated with old age, i.e. arthritis, rheumatism, poor circulation, heart disease, obesity. The benefits are endless.

Exercise is also known to improve the libido. This is due to improved blood flow to all the organs.

OK, Hugh Heffner needs to use a little Viagra, but when you are as active as him, at his age, it’s to be expected. Last I heard he had three lovers who he was faithful to and kept satisfied. I can’t wait to get to his age!

There are senior weight lifters setting new records almost daily. Senior bodybuilders are destroying the younger competitors. Athletes in every field are being amazed by the seniors.

This is not to say that the oldies are as fast as the youngsters in top competition, “but they are darn close”

You do not have to compete against others to enjoy fitness. Just find something that is fun.

Walking is a great exercise and if you get away from all the traffic it is most relaxing. If you feel strange walking on your own why not take the dog out more often. If you don’t have a dog, borrow one, I’m sure there is an elderly person near you who would be glad of a dog walker.

How about starting a dog walking business? There are loads of people who are working long hours and do not have the time to walk their dogs. Getting paid to exercise sounds like a winner to me. It’s also a good way to meet like minded people and make friends.

Swimming is a fantastic way to keep fit and healthy. Most pools have adult only sessions so you will not be dive bombed by spotty youths. Swimming is a gentle exercise that takes the strain of joints and today’s heated pools are a great benefit to sufferers of arthritis and rheumatism.

If you have not done any exercise for a long time you need to start of gently. It took years to turn you into a couch potato and you can not become an Adonis overnight.

The main thing is to start slowly without forcing anything. If you have not done any walking (except to the hypermarket) for a few years then a walk of a few hundred yards may feel like a marathon but it will be a start. Walk a little further each day and it will become easier. If you are with a dog, play fetch, it will get a few more muscles working and the dog will love you more.

If you can only swim a few feet before stopping for breath, that’s OK. Go again a few days later and swim a bit further before catching your breath. You will soon be swimming lengths of the pool with ease.

If you decide to work out in the gym, do not try to lift the whole rack of weights on your first day, maybe day 2. Start out with an empty bar until you get a feel for the exercises and then slowly add weight as you master the movements.

Perform only one set of each exercise the first few times you work out. You will feel like doing more but this will only set you up for sore muscles the next few days, and may even make you to sore to go to work.

Take time to learn strict form with each exercise and do not jerk the weights. Ask advice from the instructors, it’s what they are paid for.

Do not forget to warm up and do some stretches before starting any vigorous exercise. This warm up becomes more important as we get older and will help prevent injuries and lay offs.

The programs you see on the TV are not real life (that goes on outside in the real world) they are scripted. Do you want to be a lazy couch potato or youthful and active? The choice is yours.

Fitness Instructor Wireless Headset Microphone Care

Your Headset Mic – Getting it on right!
By Kevin Dempsey

Fitness headset microphones take an awful lot of abuse. We sweat, scream, and spit into them. At the end of our class when we hit shower that poor mic is still out there doing another class. We work our mics so hard it borders on abuse. Is it any surprise we have so many problems with them? But you can help. With a little bit of care you can have of trouble free performance from your mic system.

Most group fitness headset microphones for are designed to sit at the side of your face about two finger’s width away from the corner of your mouth, or slightly in front and to the side of mouth, not directly in front as with most head worn singer’s microphones. This helps to avoid amplifying breath noises and blowing spit into the mic capsule as you teach.

If you need to confirm that the mic is working after you have turned on the transmitter and checked that the mixer and sound system are all set to go then, whatever you do, NEVER blow into the microphone to test it!

Blowing hard into the delicate microphone capsule is the easiest way to damage it.

A simple “test – one – two” is all you need to say and you won’t risk being the cause of expensive, unnecessary repairs.

After use, always remove the foam windscreen from the mic, gently wipe any sweat from the mic, and remove the body pack transmitter from your pouch belt. To store the system when not in use, hang the headset microphone on a hook 1m(3ft) above a shelf for the transmitter so that the headset’s cable is kept as straight as possible. Do not coil or kink the cable.

A few simple steps:

1) Don’t put the mic capsule directly in front of you mouth.
2) Never blown into the microphone.
3) If your mic was design to use a foam windscreen then always use one.
4) Always use a neoprene transmitter pouch belt.
5) Always remove the windscreen after use.
6) Always remove the body pack transmitter from the pouch belt.
7) Hang the mic when not in use. Do not coil or kink the cable.

Feedback (that squealing or howling sound) occurs when the microphone is too loud, the music is too loud for the microphone or you are too close to the speakers. In most cases turning the microphone level down or moving away from the speakers will stop the howling so just adjust the levels to get the right mix of voice over music without the howls. If the problem persists you may need to reposition your speakers to make sure that they are not ‘firing’ straight back at you. We also find that better quality speakers are less prone to feedback.

If feedback persists because of the room’s architecture (full of mirrors, windows, a polished wood floor and brick upper walls) or your speaker types (ie: some horn tweeters) then there are a selection of feedback exterminator devices or 31 band graphic equalizers available as an add-on component that fits between the Wireless Microphone Receiver and the Mixer, that will filter out those annoying squeals.

When used correctly, headset microphones that were designed for group fitness use will give you many years of trouble free service. Take care of your fitness microphone and it will take care of you.

Fitness In Five Minutes A Day

What is the minimum amount of exercise needed for health and fitness? While it depends on the person, lifestyle, and goals, the general wisdom is that 20-60 minutes per day of cardio pumping, iron lifting, or muscle stretching is necessary.

While no one could deny that these numbers produce optimal results, it is possible to accomplish great things in a shorter time.

The truth is that most badly out-of-shape people have lost a crucial “body-mind” link, a connection that helps them to feel the physical hunger for healthy movement. They hate sweating, don’t like walking, and often confuse thirst or emotional pain for hunger.

For those of us who have to ease our way back into an exercise routine, even five minutes a day can be a life saving door into a healthier world.

Here are the rules:

1) In order to get the most out of this routine, it should be spread out over the day. We’re suggesting sixty seconds of work at 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm, and 9 pm. This approach is called “Greasing the Groove” and has an exceptionally powerful effect.

2) Concentrate on the abdominal muscles. They are the most important group of voluntary muscles in the body, aiding posture, digestion, and sexual function. Critical to athletic performance, they transfer power from the lower to the upper body. When it comes to appearance, the abdominals are called “the window of health”—we are judged more often by our belt-lines than any other single physical factor.

3) It is virtually impossible to tone the abdominals without benefiting other muscle groups.

What exercises are best? I would suggest a tri-pronged approach: a “killer” exercise, a light exercise, and one that can be done in public—while walking or driving.

1) A roller wheel. These are available in any sporting goods store for about five dollars, and are the only ab exercise devise worth your money. Beginners roll out from their knees, more experienced exercisers from their toes.

2) Hip lifts. Lay on your back, brace your hands at your sides, cross your feet, lifting feet and knees from the floor. Now contract the abdominal muscles and lift the hips from the floor. Relax and repeat the hip lift for sixty seconds.

3) Power breathing. Contract your abdominal muscles HARD as you walk or drive. Combined with proper breathing techniques, this can actually be the perfect ab exercise. There are many yoga, Tai Chi and martial arts teachers who can teach you proper breathing technique—if you haven’t had training or studied this, don’t assume you already know how—seek out a teacher!

While the “Grease the Groove” technique is powerful (and can be used to develop strength, flexibility, or coordination) it is not intended to substitute for your longer cardiovascular workouts. It is offered as an addition, or for those days when you just can’t exercise, or as a way for the non-exerciser to begin. Consider it a doorway to a fitter, healthier world.

Fitness Franchise

If you are looking for a franchise opportunity that will offer you a good earning potential, you may want to consider purchasing a fitness franchise. The current health obsessed climate makes a fitness franchise a good way to create a money-making business while helping people look and feel their best. There are a number of fitness franchise opportunities out there, and finding the right one can be a satisfying venture for your entrepreneurial spirit.

One type of fitness franchise is to open a fitness center. There are a number of types of fitness centers available for your fitness franchise purchase. You can even get specific with your fitness center. There are fitness franchise opportunities that are fitness centers exclusively for men or women or even ones that cater more to the serious fitness guru. Some fitness centers offer only specific types of fitness like jazzercise.

Another type of fitness franchise available is the weight loss center. Some weight loss centers function as both fitness centers and weight loss clinics. You will be able to use your fitness franchise to help people not only tone and exercise, but you will also be getting them on a better nutritional plan.

The third type of fitness franchise involves being a seller of fitness equipment. This type of fitness franchise opportunity can be done through a retail setting or even online. There are a lot of fitness franchise opportunities where you can sell specific types of fitness equipment to used fitness equipment. There is a great demand for people to have access to fitness equipment at home, so finding a fitness franchise to sell equipment can be very lucrative.

No matter what fitness franchise you choose, you still need to follow some basics of choosing and purchasing a fitness franchise. Remember that you will be responsible for all the aspects of your fitness franchise from sales, marketing, and human resources to customer service, operations, legal compliance, and accounting. The good thing is that most fitness franchise opportunities will at least offer you some basic guidelines for operations.

Be prepared to fill out an application for your fitness franchise which will involve a credit and often a background check. If you pass the fitness franchise guidelines, you will probably receive the fitness franchise’s Uniform Franchise Offering Circular, or UFOC, which you should read over carefully. The UFOC will include important information like the franchise history, key principles, financial statements, litigations, franchise openings and closings, contacts, agreements, requirements, and more.

Also, be aware that the success of your fitness franchise will be based upon a number of factors such as your territory, site location, and your commitment. Even though much of your success depends on you, it is nice to know that your fitness franchise has the support of the franchisor, so you have somewhere to turn for assistance.

Still, if you are ready to branch out on your own and you have a desire to get into the health industry, a fitness franchise can be a lucrative business venture. Take advantage of the booming health industry by purchasing a fitness franchise that fits with what you like about fitness and health.

Fitness For Older Women

Strength training has a lot of advantages for women, and particularly for women aged 35 to 40 and older. By the age of 40, women generally begin to lose bone density and muscle mass. One study at Tufts University, designed by the author of ‘Strong Women Stay Young’, Miriam Nelson PH.D, found that instead of losing bone density and muscle mass, the women were 15 to 20 years younger after one year of weight training. They gained bone density, and their strength tests matched women who were in their 30’s and 40’s.

These women didn’t diet, but they did end up looking slimmer. Some lost 1 or 2 dress sizes, and they all replaced fat with muscle. Because muscle weighs more than fat, this is the reason they looked slimmer, though the scales may not have changed much.

The women in this study were all post menopausal, and some of their ages were in the 50’s and 60’s. They made some remarkable changes in their lives as they got stronger. One woman described going rollerblading with her children. Another went canoeing with her husband. More than any pills or potions, strength training gave these women back a youthfulness some didn’t even have to that degree in the first place.

The women in this study used leg weights and free hand weights that were adjustible in their strength training program. They started at a level they were able to – even if this was the lightest weights available. They didn’t buy lots of expensive equipment or home gyms, and many of these can be bought second hand with a little research locally. As they developed their strength, they invested in heavier weights.

For the strap on ankle weights, they started with 1 to 3 kilograms in each cuff. The suggested ankle cuffs hold up to 10 kilograms each. The dumbells they used for their arms were adjustable, and they started with 1 or 2 kilograms. The only other equipment they needed was a chair, somewhere to store the weights, and a towel. Because you’re working out in your own home you don’t need to buy expensive or flashy gym clothes, or worry about feeling the odd one out.

The workout itself is in the book, Stong Women Stay Young. It covers a range of basic exercises that don’t take up too much time, which is suggested you do twice a week. Each session takes about 40 minutes including warming up and cooling down.

Tips for women working out with weights at home

* Make sure the area you’re working in doesn’t have rugs, electrical cords, toys and other items that you can trip over
* Keep your pets and young children away from this area whilst you’re working out
* If you’re using a chair when you do exercises, make sure it’s on a carpet that won’t slide around. If you don’t have carpet, put the chair against the wall so it stays stable
* If you have problems with your back, you’ll need to be careful when you’re carrying your free weights around. Take a few trips to carry things if you have to move them in or out of a storage area. And make sure you lift them properly by bending your knees and moving slowly.
* It helps to keep the weights you’re not currently using in their container. That way they can’t be knocked off by curious children.
* If you’re using leg weights, don’t walk around with them on. It could affect your balance. And if you trip on something, you are more likely to injure yourself than normal
* Keep the telephone off the hook, and the cellphone off. That way if someone rings you won’t be interrupted
* Make sure you have some drinking water nearby in case you get thirsty.
* Don’t drink any alcohol, even a little bit, less than a couple of hours before you exercise
* Try and make sure you haven’t just eaten a meal before you work out. But by the same token, make sure you’re not starving! If you’re really hungry, you could become light headed or dizzy when you work out.
* Don’t forget to warm up!
* If you’re using weights, try doing them in front of a mirror so you can check your posture. You’ll get more out of the exercise, and work the right muscles. Sometimes our posture becomes so habitual we don’t realize it’s not quite right until we see it
* If you’re using weights, a good posture means you’re chin is down slightly, so that it’s aligned with your neck. Your neck is in line with your spine, shoulders are straight and not stiff, back is straight, and your knees are not locked or bent. Your pelvis should be tucked under a little
* When using weights, do the lifts slowly. This really works the muscles instead of letting the motion do the work for you.
* Make sure you pause for a count between lifting the weight up, and lowering it
* Don’t hold your breath whilst you’re lifting wights. Given that we’re contracting muscles, sometimes we unconsciously hold our breaths at the same time. Remember to breath, but don’t go the other extreme and hyperventilate!

References: Miriam Nelson and Sarah Wernick, Strong Women Stay Young (Lothian)

Fitness For New Moms

Becoming a new mother is certainly one way to incorporate more exercise into your life! From lifting to bending to picking up items, to carrying – seems like you never have a chance to sit still now that your precious bundle has arrived!

However, you may be feeling the need to exercise to get back into shape after your pregnancy. There’s no need to join an expensive club, though. Start by exercising with your little one!

One of my favorite exercises when my niece was born was dancing with her. We swayed to Mozart, twirled to 50’s tunes, and rocked gently to lullabies. Consequently, I became fitter, and Sarah has learned to appreciate all kinds of music.

Simply lifting your baby up and down and saying the words, “up”…. “down” give your arms a mini workout and help your baby learn! That’s right! Talking and moving help increase baby’s IQ! So sing to your baby, tell him or her that you’re moving “left”, “right”, “over”, “under”, “around”, etc.

Purchase a sturdy stroller and take baby out for a walk each day. The fresh air will be beneficial to you both, and it’s another great way to introduce your child to the objects around the neighborhood. You do want to make sure your stroller doesn’t jiggle too much – it’s not much fun pushing a stroller and ending up with numb hands (like you’re pushing a lawn mower!). A quality stroller will help you want to go for more walks with baby!

As your baby grows, he’ll mimic your movements. This is a fun time to incorporate some silly movement games into your “exercise” session. Watching her trying to do exactly what you do brings tears of joy and much laughter!

As you can see, exercising with a baby is not only possible, but loads of fun as well. It’s a time to bond, teach, and take care of yourself and your little one. One day soon you’ll be telling your school age child about all the fun you both had exercising together when he was a baby. And yes, it will happen quicker than you ever dreamed!

Fitness for Life

Fitness has become lately one of the most popular methods of physical training, having now all the rights to claim the status of mass sport. The word comes from English and it crossed over all linguistic barriers, being translated as ‘physical shape’, ‘physical state’, ‘general physical training’, ‘health state’, etc.

Deriving from women body building, which was losing its popularity, fitness has recently become an official sport. As a performance sport, fitness requires specific native qualities, like any other competitional sport. The most important qualities are: a balanced bone structure, ectomorf or mesomorf somatic type, skills, speed. For those less familiarized with contests in this sport, we mention that in women competition there are three events: evening dress, swimming suit and a floor gymnastics program.

Coming back to mass fitness, we must specify that, to a great extent, its popularity is due to its accessibility. At first, the methods used in fitness were largely adopted from body building, but then they started to differentiate more and more from those of the other sports. Therefore, we now have a specific method in fitness, with a great diversity of exercises.

Another advantage of fitness is that the training programs can be personalized according to the possibilities and objectives of each person. However, there is a constant in all the programs, and that is the balanced development of at least three motion parameters: strength, resistance and mobility – physical qualities which are closely related to the health state that fitness involves. This specification is necessary, because it makes the difference from the doping cases (in these situations, the sportsman’s physical shape can be outstanding, while his health state is definitely not).

The training programs include a very diverse area of aerobic and anaerobic exercises. The programs can be taken no matter of age, as long as they are done under competent supervision and are well assimilated. It’s possible and it’s even advisable to change the training programs from time to time in order to avoid routine and revive participants’ interest. The diet and the program of rest and recovery are very important. Sport dietetics has developed significantly lately and it is now specialized according to different sports, so fitness has its own nutritional recommendations, meant to sustain physical effort and recovery after training.

In fitness, physical exercise is, up to a certain level, a means of relaxation in itself. However, there are also other methods of recovery, like sauna, massage, reflexology, hydrotherapy, etc.

Besides the obvious benefits that the body has from fitness, the psychological effects of the training programs are remarkable and this type of physical exercise can even have a prophylactic role in depression and psychological instability.

All the advantages of regular practice of fitness can be best understood only during months and years of uninterrupted exercise, when every new program supports the conviction that it is highly necessary to train every day.

Fitness For Kids

America’s children are overweight. Why? Because WE are! Two-thirds (66%) of Americans are overweight according to the Centers for Disease Control/Prevention, with 15-30% of the children either overweight or dangerously close to being overweight. That means that nearly 200 million Americans fall into the overweight category. We are setting a horrible example for our children.

According to a study conducted by Weight Watchers International Inc. and the American Health Foundation, 25% of American children are now officially overweight, and the youngest are especially at risk. These extra pounds are more than just a passing phase; another ADA study suggests that half of obese children will become fat adults.

“Obesity among children is increasing at an alarming rate, and the health consequences are very severe,” confirms Karen Miller-Kovach, RD, chief scientist for Weight Watchers. Billions of dollars every year are spent on medical bills by overweight/obese patients due to (preventable) obesity related illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.

What’s behind the growing number of children who are now overweight? “Lack of exercise accounts for more than 50 percent of the problem,” says Miller-Kovach. She also adds, only 30 percent of the problem is due to overeating or choosing the wrong types of foods. So, let’s resolve to better ourselves, set the example, and get our children moving again.

Last week, I offered a solution — a free 45-Day Beginner workout — as part of the Get Started Again with Exercise article — for free download. Now, you can get one here for your children too. This ebook has workouts and ideas on how to get kids moving (as well as yourself) in the television room, at the playground, or at the high school track. There are plenty of fun activities to do to burn calories.

Many people who are dedicated to making a difference are opening up children’s fitness franchises all over the United States. If you are lucky to have indoor playgrounds in your area or want to build one for yourself, check out Rolly Pollies®, which was developed by two former military officers. This is an example of kid’s fitness at its finest.

Children love these places and learn from a very early age that physical activity needs to be a part of a daily routine.

Fitness For Golf

Fitness for golf is a common term on the television these days. I’m sure you’ve heard it a few times. The secret is out. Fitness for golf has come to the forefront of total golf performance.

Golfers have heard it enough. The golf swing is a physically abusive movement to the human body…unless you take the time to prepare for it.

I was watching the Golf Channel (I do that frequently) the other day, with Tiger on. He said it perfectly.

He said, “it would be absurd to think a football player, basketball player or baseball player wouldn’t physically work on his body to play better golf. Why wouldn’t a golfer do the same thing?”

I was sitting there saying, “thank you Tiger”…fitness for golf is here to stay.

If it takes the Number One golfer in the world to convince you…then I’m all for it.

How many times have you walked off the course or practice range with a twinge or two in your body? How about when you got home? Did it get worse?

What’s that tell you?

I hope you realize how important fitness for golf is, in not only helping your prevent injury, but utilize your true potential to it’s fullest.

Doesn’t it make sense to improve your flexibility AND strength to hit longer drives that go straighter? Doesn’t it also make sense to improve your fitness for golf as you get older…to slow down the aging process?

Don’t look at it as “work”, “sweating” or “effort”. Look at it as “playing your best game ever!”

You will continue to hear about fitness for golf, when it comes to performing better golf.

Fitness For Golf

Fitness for golf is prevalent at every level. You hear about it all the time on the television and even teaching pros are talking more about the importance of fitness for golf.

The reason being is the belief that your ‘physical limitations’ are keeping you from optimal swing mechanics, power, distance and accuracy.

For the aging golfer this is most prevalent.

Without a golf-specific exercise program, it is virtually impossible to maintain and/or improve swing mechanics. The human body declines rapidly without stress being put on it.

What I mean…is muscles and bones need stress and pressure on them to remain strong, stable and injury-free. Without this stress…the body weakens and breaks down quickly…resulting in a rapid decline in strength and flexibility.

This is death to your golf swing!

The old adage – “use it or lose it” is very true. Haven’t you experienced a time when you were too busy with family obligations, work commitments and other stress-related issues and you felt you didn’t have the time to devote to your health and fitness?

What happened shortly after that?

Did you energy level go down? Did you start getting aches and pains and even newfound stiffnesses? How about your golf game? Did you feel like you didn’t have the same amount of umph on the ball?

This is that declining strength and flexibility I’m talking about. And the ONLY way to stop this from happening is maintaining some sort for fitness for golf program if it pertains to your golf game.

There are also two forms of fitness. “General fitness” and “sport-specific” or fitness for golf in regards to you as a golfer.

There is a major difference between these two forms of fitness.

One that is very common is going into a gym, plopping down on the machines and isolating one muscle group at a time in a controlled environment. Picture for instance an abdominal machine. You lie down in it, grap fixed handles that guide you through a set range of motion.

That would be considered “general fitness”.

On the other hand, picture standing (just like you do in golf) holding a single hand weight (dumbbell) straight out in front of you, and rotating (turning) back and through just like your golf swing. That is an exercise that would be consider fitness for golf. It directly benefits your rotational strength AND flexibility…enabling you to make a bigger turn with more power.

This area rapidly declines with the older golfer. Abdominal strength and flexibility if not tested often, will decrease, and the ability to make a full backswing with stored energy will be less and less…resulting in a massive reduction in power output, therefore distance.

So the next time you’re on the course and you get frustrated about you lack of distance off the tee…ask yourself “what was the last time you worked on your BODY?” Your answer will dictate your performance on a daily basis.

I have just barely scratched the surface of the importance of fitness for golf…but I hope I’ve got you thinking about how important Fitness for golf is if you want to play your best golf.

Fitness For Golf Is A Must For Senior Golfers

Fitness for golf is a common term and senior golfers are getting the gist of it. The secret is out. Fitness for golf has come full circle and all the players on the senior tour and senior amateurs are taking notice.

With the senior golfer comes a rapid decline in physical ability. The golf swing is a physically abusive movement to the human body…unless you take the time to prepare for it.

I have worked with thousands of senior golfers through my online golf fitness programs, and the results are dramatic. Just picture it. If you are in this demographic and your starting point is below average…you have the biggest chance to see HUGE results.

How many times have you walked off the course or practice range with a twinge or two in your body? How about when you got home? Did it get worse?

What’s that tell you?

I hope you realize how important fitness for golf is, not only helping you prevent injury, but utilize your true potential to it’s fullest.

Doesn’t it make sense as you get older, to improve your flexibility AND strength to hit longer drives that go straighter? Don’t you want to slow down the ‘aging process?’

I have played with dozens of older golfers who are so frustrated at this rapid decline, but don’t know what to do. They walk off the course in disgust.

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way!

Don’t look at it as “work”, “sweating” or “effort”. Look at it as “playing your best game ever!”

It doesn’t take a lot of work. You don’t have to join a gym and put 3 hours in a day to see results. All it takes is 30 minutes 2-3 times a week. You can do that can’t you?

Fitness for golf is the approach that will literally transform your game!

Fitness Fixes Anywhere On Vacation

When you ask what one word would be a best synonym for vacation, almost everyone would say “break.” Vacation is a break from your daily routine. It is a change of scenery for those household wives and moms who spend their days planning family meals, scrubbing pots and pans and doing the laundry. It is time off for the working dad â�� no more conference meetings to attend to, no more reports to finish before the deadline, no more wearing neckties and carrying heavy business folders and attaché cases. It is that much awaited summer trip of the youngsters who have longed for days when they can just play and play not thinking about homework and school projects.

Vacation thus is a chance to break away from your routine, your monotonous schedule. But then again, all of these breaching should not include your basic indispensable activities like eating three meals a day, brushing your teeth, taking a bath, getting enough sleep and regular exercise. Among these vital activities, more often than likely the last one is usually disregarded when people are on vacation. It seems like exercise is no longer part of the scheme when you are supposed to be having fun during vacation. No more time is usually the big excuse. Wrong. You can always stick to your workouts wherever you may be. Here are a few suggestions for you to squeeze in toning time even when you’re on that break.

While waiting for your boarding time in the airport, go for a stroll. Yes, walk and work out those legs and feet. Your promenade will not only tone your leg muscles but it will also keep you from being bored from waiting and perhaps distract you from munching on unnecessary desserts and treats from the nearby snack bar. More walking while on vacation � while sightseeing, you might consider striding around town instead of taking the shuttle bus. This way you get to get the most out of your sightings, see things up close and feel the rush of strolling and managing your tour your own way. When riding the bus you only get to peek at some places, your own pace affords you to stop and maybe even take a picture in between. If you do not like walking, choose to go biking. As compared to walking, a bike allows you to reach places faster. You are able to exercise your muscles and you are conserving energy too; healthy for you and for the environment.

Having your vacation in the beach is perfect for getting that tan and working out too. Take a good run or walk on the beach and breathe in that fresh salty air. Have fun and start a game of beach volleyball or Frisbee with your friends. All those catching and volleying will definitely break you in a sweat and with the heat of the sun you also get to have a great tan. Swimming is surely a great workout. So is surfing, kayaking or white water rafting, if you are feeling more athletic and adventurous. These are great upper and lower body workouts. By nighttime, go ahead and indulge yourself in that beach party. An hour of dancing and grooving to the music will surely burn those fats and even those margaritas that you just had a dose of.

Fitness Equipment Machines

Being fit, healthy, and flexible is not always easy. It takes regular exercise and eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables. In addition, any exercise program that you choose such as push-ups stretches, jogging or walking takes discipline. The same discipline applies to using fitness equipment.

If you are the type of person that prefers using fitness equipment for your exercise routines, here are few tips to consider before purchasing.

Do not believe what you see and hear. You will need to assess whether all the advertised claims are true. Fitness equipment will claim for example, that you will lose will lose several pounds off their weight in as little as seven days or that you will decrease your pants size in one month. To lose such weight in seven days or decrease a pant size in such short time is nearly impossible, even with the assistance of dietary supplements.

Be skeptical about claims that say you will be able to burn a tremendous amount of fat in a specific area of your body, such as the hips, thighs, waist just by applying a specific type of ointment or lotion, etc. The only sure way to burn fat is by changing what you eat and exercise.

Before and after pictures of people who claim that they were able to lose weight because of using such and such equipments may or may not be true. If ever they are, their experience is purely personal and that is no assurance that your unique body weight, body make-up will also undergo the same change they went through.

It is also always advisable to read the fine print, whether it be fitness equipment or anything else. Though you believe that the fitness equipment you are planning to purchase is a good one, reading the fine print really would not hurt as it may say that you also have to decrease your calorie intake and not just rely on what the machine could do for you.

There are advertising statements that say you could pay off the fitness equipment in a number of easy payments or by paying a mere thirty-nine ninety-five a month. Do not forget to inquire about shipping and handling costs and include that in your calculation. In addition, add-on the required sales tax, delivery fees, set-up fees. Know all the details before you purchase.

It is best that you consider asking about details on their thirty-day money back guarantee. Though this sounds good to you as the consumer, it may or may not actually be a good deal, if for example you are going to return the item. You may actually end up paying large shipping cost, return to stock costs, etc.

Make sure you contact their customer service hotline. The customer service hot line should have a toll-free number as well as a customer service representative in case you have problems with your fitness equipment.

As stated above, to be fit, healthy and flexible takes more than just fitness equipment. It will take discipline to exercise and a healthy diet.

Fitness Components For Golf

The fitness components for golf are a select few, but they are critical to a golfers success. The golf swing is a physically demanding movement on the human body. It involves coordination, balance, stability, muscular strength and endurance, and dynamic sequence of motion just to name a few.

Do you think a body that is physically broken can accomplish a mechanically sound repeatable swing?

Based on the physical requirements of a mechanically good golf swing…NO way! It is a physical impossibility to have a repeatable swing for 18 holes unless…you’ve implemented the fitness components for golf within a consistent program.

When you isolate your golf swing muscles…stretch and strengthen them…and improve the efficiency of sequencing your motions throughout the swing…you will no doubt be a massively improved golfer for the long term.

Isn’t that what you’re really looking for?

I’m sure you don’t expect to be a single digit golfer if you’re currently a 20 handicap. But wouldn’t it be nice to shoot in the low 80’s once in a while? How about consistently? It’s a reality if you take the fitness approach for golf.

For most of you in the U.S. it’s winter time. There’s no better time than RIGHT NOW to start implementing the fitness components for golf into your routine. You’ve got the extra time…and you DO want to play better next spring right?

Then get to it!

If I seem to be yelling…I AM! I really want you to listen to what I’m saying and apply it. Don’t be overwhelmed…I’m here in the flesh to help you in any way I can.

It’s my lifelong passion to educate golfers on the importance of the machine (body) in optimal golf performance.

Work on the “machine” and your game will skyrocket!

I played with a gentleman the other day that had every limitation in the book. And guess what? He could barely get the ball airborne. He was SO frustrated and embarrassed. I took him aside and gave him a little pep talk.

We only had a few holes left and I told him to RELAX and let his muscles do the work…with no thought at all.

I’m not kidding you…he parred the next hole (his first par of the day). Bogeyed the next (but he was still happy). And parred the very last hole! It was like night and day.

He had SO much tension in his swing…he had no chance to created any torque and power. I gave him my card after the round…an low and behold…he went home and bought ALL my golf fitness dvds AND my manual.

I personally called him and spent another 30 minutes on the phone with him.

He is now on his way to implementing the fitness components for golf into his “daily” life.

I tell you this story to give you hope!

Don’t give up!

It’s not too late!

Hang in there and work on your machine. Trust me on this. It’s critical you pay attention to the fitness components for golf.