Learn Google Ads ( AdWords ) in English – Step by Step!
Buy the Workbook Used by Jason McDonald to Teach Google Ads ( AdWords ) Advertising.
Updated – Fully updated for 2019, and focused on the new Google Ads Interface
Google Ads in all its Glory – master the Google Search Network, Google Display Network and Remarketing, Shopping Ads, and even YouTube
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Learn to Advertise Your Business on Google without losing money
Watch Videos – view step-by-step companion VIDEOS that SHOW you how to use Google Ads effectively
Use the Worksheets – download WORKSHEETS that guide you step-by-step to AdWords success.
Access Free Tools – access the companion Marketing Almanac with free tools for Google AdWords!
The #1 Bestselling Workbook on Google Ads Advertising for Your Business
Jason McDonald – written by a successful practitioner of AdWords. Just Google ‘Google Ads Expert Bay Area.’
Stanford University – used by Dr. McDonald in his courses, both online and in face-to-face workshops
Got Questions? – just Google ‘Jason McDonald’ and send a quick email or call.
The author, Jason McDonald, has instructed thousands of people in his classes in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Stanford Continuing Studies, as well as online.
Table of Contents
Google Ads Basics – the basics matter, so begin at the beginning.
Google Ads Gotchas – identify and fix the four main ‘AdWords Gotchas’ that may be costing you a LOT OF MONEY.
Keywords – find and leverage transactional keywords that make you money and nix ones that lose you money.
The Search Network – optimize your Google Search Network efforts in AdWords step-by-step.
Google Display Network – avoid rip offs in the GDN, and optimize for placements and strategies that truly work
YouTube – Google’s subsidiary, YouTube, is the #2 Search Engine. Master video advertising easily.
Shopping – Shopping Ads on Google including the Google Merchant Center.
Metrics – Learn what you can and should measure in AdWords, and use this data to optimize your RETURN ON AD SPEND (ROAS)
Tools – Includes a free companion Marketing Almanac, with hundreds of FREE tools to master AdWords better, faster, cheaper.
AdWords Advertising in PLAIN ENGLISH: let Jason guide you in SIMPLE language to INCREDIBLE return on investment via Google Ads / AdWords
Google Ads (AdWords) Workbook: Advertising on Google Ads, YouTube, & the Display Network